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Save money as a Trucker

Tim Stark

If you work as a trucker, that means you’re spending a lot of time on the road, fulfilling various jobs. The challenge here is that you can end up spending quite a bit of money on food, gas and other items. Which is why we created a list with methods that you can use to save money as a trucker. By following these, you will find it a lot easier to save money and ensure that you still have a great experience trucking.

Prepare your own meals

One of the major expenses you have on the road are your meals. If you go at every truck stop and eat, that can add up and you will lose quite a bit of money. The solution? Buy a small fridge and keep it in your truck, prepare your own meals from home and refrigerate them. This means you will have food whenever you need it, while saving quite a bit of money.

Buy supplies in advance

You can save money if you buy supplies from your base town. Usually truck stops and shops on the road will have quite the markup. It just makes a lot of sense to purchase any supplies you need before you go on the road. Doing that can help save quite a lot of money.

Take advantage of free stuff

You will find all kinds of free benefits and features while you are on the road. Free Wi-Fi, free refillable water bottles, these are available and you can take advantage of them. Even simple things like these can help you save money, so use that as an advantage.

Enjoy the tax breaks Generally when you buy anything work-related while on the road, it’s possible that those items are tax-deductible. That’s why it’s a very good idea to ensure you take care of those road expenses and see if you can actually save money on tax. It might not seem like a whole lot, but the results can be great, and that’s exactly the thing to keep in mind.

Use the CDL discounts

Many businesses are offering CDL discounts, so it’s a good idea to search beforehand and see where you can access these discounts yourself. Believe it or not, you can save quite a lot of money from CDL discounts alone, so might as well make the most out of these benefits.

Purchase a power inverter

The power inverter is great because it can help you run small appliances in your truck. It helps you save quite a bit of money since you can prepare food or coffee on your own, among others. Needless to say, this can be a great way to save and also enjoy fresh food.


There are many different ways to save money as a trucker, as you can see above. It all comes down to being prepared and taking advantage of discounts and benefits. Plus, you can also prepare food yourself and avoid shopping in stores with a high markup. Follow these ideas, and you will have no problem saving money while on the road!

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